Local Electrician Near You

CF Electrics Pty Ltd – Your Local Electrician in Sydney – Service Areas

City of Canada Bay

Electricains near Canada Bay

Canada Bay is located in the Inner West of Sydney and has a population of approximately 87 thousand people. The area is approximately 1,990 hectares and has a population density of about 44 people per hectare.

The local council website is located here

Municipality of Ashfield

Electrical Company Ashfield Council

The Ashfield Community compromises of approximately 830 hectares of land int Sydney Inner Western suburbs. The population for this suburb is about 44,500 people, from a number of backgrounds. The overall density per hectare is 54 people.

The local council website is located here

Municipality of Burwood

Electrical Company Burwood Council

The Burwood Council area is 715 hectares with a population of destiny of about 50 people per hectare. The total population derived from census data is 36,000 and is approximately 12 kilometers from Sydney CBD.

The local council website is located here

Municipality of Strathfield

Electriacl Company Strathfield Council

The Strathfield are has a land area of approximately 1,390 hectares with an overall population density of 28 people per hectare. The population comprises of some 40 thousand people in the 2014 census.

For more details on the area visit the local council website here

Municipality of Leichhardt

Leichhardt Council Electrical Company

Leichhardt Council manages an area of approximately 1,055 hectares where the overall population density is 55 people per hectare. The total population recorded at the last census was about 58 thousand people.

To find more information on the local council please visit this link

Marrickville Council

Marrickville Council Electrical Compnay

The Marrickville council area supports approximately 83 thousand residents. with an overall population density of 50 people per hectare. The land area the council has to manage is about 1,656 hectares.

To find more information from the local council website visit this link

CFS Electrics - The Electrician Inner West