Top Electrician Leichhardt

Looking for a local Electrician in the Inner West? If you have electrical problems, switch box installation requirements or any other electrical need, then CFS Electrics can help.

We have been serving the Inner West for years; we are polite and provide honest and reliable work. The cost of an electrician will vary with job at hand, but each quote we provide will be based on quality work and a fair price – we are Sydney best local electrical company.

Get in touch with us to today using the phone number above or fill in your requirements using the form on the right and we will get back to you with a quote and a call.

CFS Electrics offers services as a commercial electrician Sydney.

Ask us what you need and we can assist – CFS Electrics – Powering Sydney

Leichhardt Property Management & Strata Electrician

CFS Electrics provide electrical services to strata managers, property managers and real estate companies in the Inner West of Sydney.

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service to both the client and tenant in both commercial and domestic services.

We pride ourselves on our exceptional work and ensuring we provide the strata manger, body corporate or real estate manager detailed information, recommendations and a quote that is simple to understand.

We will provide multiple options where there is a need, and the pros and cons of each will be explained to allow you to make informed and cost effective decisions.

If you are looking for quality real estate electricians Sydney – CFS Electrics can help, call today.

Switchboard Repairs & Installation Leichhardt

Electrical Rewiring Leichhardt

Lighting Installation Leichhardt

Leichhardt electrical company

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    Or CALL: 02 8005 0950

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